5 Great Workout Classes in NYC During Covid-19

Happy October! Although summer is typically my favorite season, I can’t help but be a little bit excited for the crisp fall weather this year. If you’ve been following me for a while you know that working out is a passion of mine- I love the way it energizes me for my busy days and provides a great stress relief when I’m feeling pent up. Outdoor exercise classes have been a huge hit during Covid-19, because you can socially distance and spread out more than you would indoors. So if you’re looking to squeeze in a few more outdoor workouts before the fall weather becomes a little too chilly, here are a few I’ve been loving lately, along with some great socially distanced/sanitized indoor ones too!

SoulCycle: Always a classic choice of mine. SoulCycle has been offering some outdoor classes with “silent disco” (AKA headphones for each rider) as a fun alternative to their indoor sessions. I’ve been to a few of the outdoor classes at Hudson Yards, and it was so good!

Barry’s: Barry’s Bootcamp never fails to give me a good butt-kicking just when I need it. They started having outdoor classes in NYC on September 16th, but the locations may vary. The location I last knew of was at 60 Gansevoort!

Equinox Yoga: Equinox has been setting up various outdoor classes right next to the SoulCycle setup at Hudson Yards as well. For some of these classes you don’t even have to be an Equinox member to sign up. I especially love their yoga classes, but all of the other types that they offer are great too!

The AKT: The AKT is a cardio/dance based workout mixed with strength and toning. It’s super fun, and although they’re currently not offering outdoor classes, they are still taking the right precautions and making it as safe as possible. This includes reduced class sizes, hands-off corrections, and contactless check-in. Find your closest location in NYC!

Rumble: My absolute favorite boxing class! Rumble locations are re-opening, and I know they’re hosting some outdoor classes at Catch Steak. Precautions include one-time glove rentals that are thoroughly disinfected (inside & out!) and increased ventilation via Rumble's HVAC systems (for their indoor classes).

I hope you enjoy all of your fall workouts, and stay happy and healthy for the rest of 2020!



Brittany Lo